Canadian Subject Headings

Canadian Subject Headings (CSH) is a list of subject headings in the English language, using controlled vocabulary, to access and express the topic content of documents on Canada and Canadian topics. Library and Archives Canada publishes and maintains CSH on the Web. Prior to the merger of the National Library of Canada and the National Archives of Canada, the National Library of Canada published a print version of CSH.

The headings are compatible with the United States Library of Congress Subject Headings, with modifications to include specifically Canadian content or to reflect a Canadian perspective.[1]

Library and Archives Canada also publishes Répertoire de vedettes-matière (RVM), a list intended to provide access to Canadian subject headings in the French language.


  1. ^ Robert P Holley (2008-01-04). "Subject Access Tools in English for Canadian Topics: Canadian Extensions to U.S. Subject Access Tools". Wayne State University, Digital Commons. "Canada has a long history of adapting United States subject access tools, including the Library of Congress Classification (LCC), Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the Dewey Decimal Classification, and the Sears List of Subject Headings, to meet the specific needs of Canadians. This paper addresses the extensions to these American tools for English-speaking Canadians. While the United States and Canada have many similarities, differences exist that require changing terminology and providing greater depth and precision in subject headings and classification or specifically Canadian topics." 

General references